The WakaWaka Foundation

The WakaWaka Foundation is an international NGO based in the Netherlands. We provide people off-grid areas in low income countries with safe, sustainable, and renewable power and light solutions. Our goal is to make solar solutions available to families who live in extreme poverty, in remote regions, or who are forced to leave their homes because of war, natural disaster or other reasons.

Please support us in enabling sustainable energy access around the world.

With 12,50 euros we can produce and distribute one solar light to someone in need.


The WakaWaka Foundation believes that everybody should have access to clean and affordable energy. As the sun is the world’s biggest energy source, we believe in solar as a solution for people living off the grid.

There are 1 billion people in the world that live off-grid, without access to a conventional electricity grid. They depend on toxic, dangerous and dirty kerosene lamps for lighting or simply live in the dark at night.

The health-effects, especially for the lungs and eyes, of indoor air pollution caused by kerosene lights and indoor cooking are tremendous. Next to that, access to light is detrimental to safety, school results, economic activity and community life. Off-grid options to charge mobile phones or radios are also limited, expensive and often rely on dirty fossil fuels.

The WakaWaka Foundation focuses on providing safe, sustainable, and self-sufficient energy and light solutions to people living at the base of the pyramid.

We devise strategies and team up with NGOs and corporations to make sure solar solutions become available to those who suffer from extreme poverty, live in off-grid areas, or are a victim of forced migration.

Furthermore, the WakaWaka Foundation aims to improve the future perspective of people living in developing countries. It does so by stimulating education about solar, and sustainability in general.


Policy plan

WakaWaka raises funds for donation of WakaWaka solar products in emergency areas. WakaWaka Foundation closely collaborates with NGO partners for distribution. Next to donating products for people in crisis, WakaWaka develops solar education programmes in close cooperation with WakaWaka Rwanda.

This year the WakaWaka Foundation aims to distribute over 25,000 solar lights and chargers to people in need. A.o. we cooperate with Save the Children, Movement on the Ground, and Habitat for Humanity. On solar education we aim to train 60+ solar entrepreneurs. We are able to educate them thanks to the First Solar grant, and execute in cooperation with WakaWaka Rwanda. The WakaWaka Foundation aims to raise enough funds to cover its education programmes and emergency outreach.

Anneke Sipkens - Chairman

Anneke is Managing Director at the ANBO elderly organization and is committed to inspiring and supporting seniors to age in a good way. She is also a member of the Supervisory Board at Innofest, a foundation that tests sustainable innovations in a ‘living lab’ environment at festivals and other places where many people come together.

Eppo Heemstra

Eppo is an independent consultant with a focus on the payment chain and is a board member at a number of Fintechs.

Contact details

Stichting WakaWaka Foundation


Laan Corpus den Hoorn 300
9728 JT Groningen
The Netherlands