The Gift That Gives Back

We love the holidays because we’re not just about giving; we’re also about giving back. We have put together a fantastic collection of our favorite brands that give back, providing YOU the chance to win the ultimate GIFT THAT GIVES BACK, featuring:

We LOVE everything about TOMS: from the classic shoes to the cool bags. The best part? TOMS helps provide shoes to people in need, but they also do so much more: Their gift is this awesome Charcoal Canvas Savannah backpack.


Solo Eyewear
Solo Eyewear makes sunglasses handcrafted from recycled bamboo. Each pair purchased funds eye care for people in need so they can see again. And that’s why we love this brand! Their contribution to the gift box is one pair of Fiji and one pair of Haiti sunglasses. Who says it’s too early to stock up for the summer? 


Roma Boots
This time of the year we are eager to find a new pair of boots that will keep us warm. With a $90 Roma gift certificate, we’re sure you will find the perfect boot with that perfect fit. The cool part? For every pair of Roma Boots sold, a brand new pair stuffed with educational supplies is donated to a child in need. 

Tony’s Chocolonely
For all those chocoholics out there (and who isn’t one?) we included ten (yep!) deliciously fair chocolate bars from Tony’s Chocolonely. Their mission is to create a 100% slave-free chocolate market.  


Good Spread
Good Spread not only makes great-tasting peanut butter from all-natural ingredients, they also provide a packet of peanut butter with essential nutrients to kids suffering from severe acute malnutrition. 


Threads for Thought
We love to walk around in style. And when we heard about Threads for Thought, we just had to include them in this ultimate give back gift box. They are changing the textile industry, one clothing piece at the time. What are you wearing for that special holiday dinner? With this $100 gift certificate, you can be styling and sustainable. 


Join the Pipe
Join the Pipe is the first community of tap water drinkers. With the sales of tap water stations, refillable tap water bottles and donations, they finance water and sanitation projects in developing nations. Become part of their community with the three bottles, water glazes and the water jug that are included in the gift package. 


Falling Whistles
Falling Whistles works to support local entrepreneurship in creating a conflict-free economy after decades of war in Congo. The two whistle necklaces that are included in the gift package tell an incredible story of child soldiers who were armed only with a whistle. 


We have also included the gnarly WakaWaka Base 5: the next step in the evolution of portable solar power. The Base is for anyone who hates to be out of power or loves to be on the move. It converts solar energy into battery power significantly faster than any other solar charge pack on the market today: that’s days of light and days of power. 


The total value of this ultimate gift that gives back is $1,000. And it’s all right there for you to win.  

When is a gift not just a gift? When you #DoubleYourGiving

Now stop drooling and enter right this second for your chance to win: