We have exciting news! The WakaWaka Power+, the world’s most efficient, durable and compact portable solar flashlight and charger, arrived this week and is now back in stock.
Proud examples of world-famous Dutch design and aesthetic, these new Powers stand strong against the blazin’ hot temperatures of the sun, with nary a sunburn! And they continue to charge virtually any type of (smart)phone or small electronic device within a few hours and provide up to 150 hours of super-bright, safe and sustainable light.
Buy a Power+ for your house, car or next adventure. Or be that friend who gives thoughtful, unique gifts that people will actually use, day in and day out.
They were launched just last week, but our supplies of the WakaWaka Base, the ultimate all-in-one compact solar first-aid kit, are dwindling fast. Use the Base to solar-power multiple smartphones and electronic devices on a single charge. Or use it for an entire week of powerful, renewable light, direct from the sun: no electricity or battery needed!
Shouldn’t you have a Base on hand for your house, car or office? Or in your gear for that next adventure – urban, suburban or way (way) off the beaten path?
If you hate to be out of power and love to be on the move, get your hands one the Base before they’re sold out.