WakaWaka has received an urgent request from CARD Europe in Liberia for 7,000 solar lights. The WakaWakas are needed by local Ebola health teams, treatment clinics and isolation centers that have no acces to electricity. The solar lights will also be added to Ebola prevention kits. So far, thanks to the players of the People’s Postcode Lottery 4,000 WakaWaka Lights are sent to Liberia. Next to that various organizations have already contributed to our efforts.
In collaboration with Sierra Leone Central Union we are expanding our efforts to fight Ebola in Sierra Leone, from where we have received requests to light up local clinics. GiZ (German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation) will distribute the WakaWaka Lights both in Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Join us today and help get these WakaWakas to the vulnerable communities in Liberia. The lifesaving support and education of the health teams on the ground can prevent the further spread of deadly Ebola.
Example of contents of the health kits
Since there is no vaccine or cure for Ebola, which is spread by contact with the bodily fluids of infected people or animals, prevention is the best way to contain this virus. Therefore, information and communication are the most powerful weapons to contain the outbreak.
Researchers are working hard to learn more about the virus. If you would like to know more about this filovirus, visit FILOVIR which provides up to date scientific information on Ebola.