Impact map

Displayed on this easy to navigate map is a selection of projects distributing WakaWaka products. It’s still being filled with more data and doesn’t include the sale of WakaWakas in North America and Europe, but already features over 40 projects in developing countries!

The first screen shows you the impact on a global scale, with overall numbers concerning the amount of WakaWakas, people impacted, countries reached, money saved on energy expenses and more. Selecting a specific country will show you the part of the population that lives off-grid, what they spent on monthly energy needs and how a full transition to off-grid lighting would impact their lives. Finally it’s possible to select an individual project to see the exact location where WakaWakas are being used, view photos or watch videos of who they are being used by, and read about how they are impacting lives every single day. Take a look by going to or just click the image bellow. As you are navigating WakaWaka’s impact, remember that it is your continued support that makes this possible!