WakaWakas in the Middle east

The Wakawa­kas have been dis­trib­uted in dif­fer­ent loc­a­tions.
In Jordan WakaWa­kas have been dis­trib­uted in the Zaatari and Azraq camps, where thou­sands of Syr­i­ans have taken refuge and light­ing is lim­ited. The WakaWa­kas sup­port chil­dren with ex­tra needs in edu­ca­tion­al fa­cil­it­ies in the camps to read and write com­fort­ably. WakaWa­kas were also dis­trib­uted in rur­al areas in Cent­ral and North­ern Jordan among fam­il­ies without ac­cess to elec­tri­city. Oth­ers have ended up in Syr­ia and Ga­za.