UNFPA Light donation

Eight mil­li­on people have been severely af­fec­ted by the earth­quake in Nepal. There is wide­spread de­struc­tion and the death toll con­tin­ues to rise. Ac­cess to light and power is crit­ic­al for sur­viv­ors as well as the emer­gency re­sponse teams who need light sources after dark to deal with the crisis. In col­lab­or­a­tion with UN­FPA, WakaWa­kas have been dis­trib­uted to sur­viv­ors of the earth­quake. These WakaWa­kas have been gen­er­ously donated by the listen­ers of WAMC North­east Pub­lic Ra­dio. The WakaWa­kas provide im­me­di­ate as­sist­ance as well as long-term re­lief by en­abling these fam­il­ies to see after dark and to charge their phones to con­nect with fam­ily and loved ones.