Support to quarantined households

The out­break of Ebola has had a ma­jor im­pact in Si­erra Le­one. It has left over 3000 people dead and thou­sands more af­fected. Quar­ant­ine was in­tro­duced for in­di­vidu­als who had come in­to con­tact with Ebola pa­tients, in or­der to stop the dis­ease from spread­ing. To make sure people would not break quar­ant­ine, es­sen­tial items were dis­trib­uted amongst the af­fected house­holds. Tro­caire and its part­ners dis­trib­uted these items to house­holds in the dis­tricts of Kam­bia, Port Loko and Bom­bali. A total of 1360 WakaWa­kas were giv­en to fam­il­ies in quar­ant­ine. The re­main­ing onew were giv­en to fam­ily mem­bers of de­ceased Ebola pa­tients and vo­lun­teers who give psy­cho­lo­gic­al sup­port.