SUN for Malindi

Ger­rit Pouw is com­mit­ted to brin­ging light to Ma­lin­di. it is a ci­ty with about 60000 in­ha­bi­tants. Es­pe­ci­al­ly out­si­de the sea­son the­re is a lot of un­em­ploy­ment what leads to a lot of pro­blems. Ger­rit tal­ked to high school stu­dents who li­ve in the slums, whe­re is no elec­tri­ci­ty. The stu­dents told him that the lack of light has a ne­ga­ti­ve ef­fect on their school re­sults. It was al­most im­pos­si­ble to stu­dy at ho­me in the eve­ning. Ger­rit coo­p­e­ra­tes with Sis­ter Mar­ga­ret; she is a cen­tral fi­gu­re with­in the bis­dom of Ma­lin­di. To­geth­er they will talk with three he­ad­mas­ters and dis­tri­bu­te the Wa­kaWa­kas. Pu­pils at the H.G.H. Primary school re­ceived 40 WakaWaka Lights in 2014 and an­oth­er 100 WakaWa­kas in 2015. From now on the re­cei­vers will be ab­le to stu­dy at night and im­pro­ve their gra­des!