Sukun, Malang

The WakaWaka’s were dis­trib­uted in a small place in Malang, called Sukun. This is a poor part of the city, where un­for­tu­nately a lot of people do not have good ac­cess to elec­tri­city. Due to power cuts, most of the people in this place live in dark­ness every night. Be­cause of this and the early night­fall, the kids in this com­munity are not able to do home­work at night or simply can not read a book be­fore they go to sleep.
The SUVONO found­a­tion sup­ports a school in this com­munity with about 200 chil­dren. Mar­ie-José Na­sette, am­bas­sad­or of this found­a­tion, vis­ited this com­munity and school dur­ing her stay in In­done­sia last ju­ly. She de­cided to bring each of the chil­dren a WakaWaka Light, so they can now do their home­work at night and per­form bet­ter in school.