Solar Lights for Schools

We are humbled to tell you that our sol­ar-powered products reached Uganda to be part of the ‘Burn Pre­ven­tion Pro­gram’ from Sticht­ing In­ter­plast Hol­land.

Uganda has a pop­u­la­tion of 39 mil­lion people of which only 18% per­cent has ac­cess to Elec­tri­city. This means al­most 32 mil­lion people can only rely on al­tern­at­ive sources of en­ergy (World­Bank).

Ac­cord­ing to En­ergy­pe­dia “A total of 93% of rur­al house­holds without ac­cess to elec­tri­city are cur­rently us­ing tra­di­tion­al light­ing tech­no­lo­gies such as candles or ker­osene lamps that give poor qual­ity light­ing, emit nox­ious fumes and present haz­ards in terms of fires or burns, in par­tic­u­lar for small chil­dren”.

It is no secret that our sol­ar-powered products of­fer safe, sus­tain­able and prac­tic­al solu­tions to pre­vent chil­dren and their fam­il­ies from the dangers and haz­ards of tra­di­tion­al light­ing tech­no­lo­gies.

As part of the ‘Burn Pre­ven­tion Pro­gram’, 347 WakaWa­kas now provide Ugandan school­chil­dren in Kara­moja, a safe and healthy al­tern­at­ive to the candles and ker­osene lamps pre­vi­ously used for light­ing.

“They were very happy with them (the WakaWaka Lights) and prom­ised their study res­ults would im­prove be­cause they would be able to read and study bet­ter in the even­ings” — Rein J. Zee­man, chair­man Sticht­ing In­ter­plast Hol­land.