Safe light for Nigerians

In North­east Ni­ger­ia people are flee­ing Boko Haram, the ex­trem­ist group that causes death and de­struc­tion in the re­gion, bru­tally burn­ing down vil­lages, killing ci­vil­ians and kid­nap­ping girls and wo­men. These in­tern­al dis­placed per­sons (IDP’s) end up in camps or in­form­al set­tle­ments with lim­ited re­sources and no elec­tri­city. Ox­fam Novib sup­ports these IDP’s in their host com­munit­ies.

Light, if any, comes from costly and dan­ger­ous oil and gas lamps. By re­pla­cing these, Waka Waka will keep people safe both in- and out­side their new tem­por­ary homes. Not only does a sol­ar light re­duce the risk of fire and the neg­at­ive im­pact on health of burn­ing fire in­doors in a wooden hut, it also keeps people safe when walk­ing to lat­rines at night. Chil­dren will be able to read books in the even­ing and do their home­work, while wo­men can con­tin­ue with sow­ing and weav­ing products that they sell on the mar­ket.