Refugees in Lebanon

Dani El Ta­yar from Hab­it­at for Hu­man­ity Le­ban­on ex­plains: “A WakaWaka is so much more than just a light. It brings the people se­cur­ity in the camps at night, it saves them from the present danger of fire and the health haz­ards ac­com­pan­ied by candles or oil lamps. And ad­di­tion­ally the sol­ar light is also sav­ing them costs.”
Le­ban­on has more than 1 mil­lion Syr­i­ans and over 400,000 long term refugees from Palestine now liv­ing among a na­tion­al pop­u­la­tion of 4 mil­lion. That is an in­cred­ible bur­den for a small coun­try. Hab­it­at for Hu­man­ity and WakaWaka will dis­trib­ute WakaWa­kas in Le­ban­on to dif­fer­ent refugee groups. The WakaWa­kas would be of ex­treme im­port­ance to Syr­i­an refugees in tent camps not only by provid­ing light, but would also safe­guard these fam­il­ies from pos­sible fires in their tents. Many refugees in Le­ban­on are housed in over­crowded urb­an areas. There are hardly any elec­tri­city con­nec­tions, and people il­leg­ally tap the grid through make­shift gen­er­at­ors, res­ult­ing in ac­ci­dent­al elec­tro­cu­tions. WakaWa­kas will ful­fill the need for bright, safe light.