Dani El Tayar from Habitat for Humanity Lebanon explains: “A WakaWaka is so much more than just a light. It brings the people security in the camps at night, it saves them from the present danger of fire and the health hazards accompanied by candles or oil lamps. And additionally the solar light is also saving them costs.”
Lebanon has more than 1 million Syrians and over 400,000 long term refugees from Palestine now living among a national population of 4 million. That is an incredible burden for a small country. Habitat for Humanity and WakaWaka will distribute WakaWakas in Lebanon to different refugee groups. The WakaWakas would be of extreme importance to Syrian refugees in tent camps not only by providing light, but would also safeguard these families from possible fires in their tents. Many refugees in Lebanon are housed in overcrowded urban areas. There are hardly any electricity connections, and people illegally tap the grid through makeshift generators, resulting in accidental electrocutions. WakaWakas will fulfill the need for bright, safe light.