Masanga Hospital

Mas­anga Hos­pit­al provides health­care in pae­di­at­rics, ma­ter­nity, gen­er­al medi­cine and sur­gery. It also provides sur­gic­al train­ing which is open to clin­ic­al of­ficers and doc­tors in Si­erra Le­one. Train­ees re­ceive in­struc­tion in cru­cial sur­gic­al pro­ced­ures in­clud­ing her­ni­as, ab­dom­in­al sur­gery and caesari­an sec­tions, while also work­ing in the hos­pit­al to provide seni­or level care on the wards and in out­pa­tients. The pro­gramme is set to ex­pand and will in­clude train­ees work­ing for six months at Mas­anga Hos­pit­al, then re­lo­cat­ing to an­oth­er hos­pit­al in Si­erra Le­one to gain fur­ther ex­per­i­ence and to provide gen­er­al as­sist­ance. The pro­gramme has re­cently been taken over by a Nor­we­gi­an char­ity called Ca­pa­Care.