The Village of Los Tambos is located on a plateau over the jungle canopy. It is very easy to become lost with the curving roads and lack of road signs. A Grid Earth Project team member illustrates the use and care of the solar light. Sustainability is also discussed. Kerosene can cost up to 40% of a families income. These savings can be used to permanently break the cycle of poverty. The instructions and information are also translated into Spanish to insure that there is no language barrier. The Chairman, Sebastian Beilalta, begins to read the names of each family so that they can come forward and receive their solar light.A representative from each family comes forward to receive their light. This is a joyful day in Los Tambos. The parents of Los Tambos have prayed for a better life for their children. The solar lights provided by the Grid Earth Project will save lives, improve health, promote education, and increase economic opportunities.
Mothers will no longer burn kerosene lamps or candles at their baby’s bedside while they sleep. The solar lights provided by the Grid Earth Project can be set on the low setting and allow the mothers to safely watch over their babes each night without danger of burns, fumes, and fires.