Lighting up the village of Kateete TFCM

Kateete is a spread out vil­lage about 35 miles from Kam­pala, which has around 300 fam­il­ies liv­ing there, in either tra­di­tion­al huts or one or two room dwell­ings. There is one bore hole for wa­ter for the whole vil­lage, no elec­tri­city, no shops, no loc­al em­ploy­ment.The fam­il­ies sur­vive by keep­ing chick­ens, goats and if they are for­tu­nate, a cow or a few pigs, plus grow­ing ve­get­ables and fruit (al­though wa­ter­ing crops is a big chal­lenge). Any­thing that can im­prove the qual­ity of their daily lives is al­ways humbly and grate­fully re­ceived by the fam­il­ies, and WakaWaka lights are a very good ex­ample of this. They truly are light­ing up their homes in a way that they could nev­er have ima­gined would be pos­sible!