Light for women & girls

Sun­gev­ity and War Child donated 500 WakaWa­kas to girls and moth­ers in Uganda. The huge im­pact of the WakaWaka is per­fectly il­lus­trated with this quote by An­gom Nighty: “I am a moth­er of a five months old baby. I thank War Child Hol­land for sup­port­ing me with the WakaWaka, which looks very simple but is highly con­veni­ent to use. It helps me in light­ing up the house and mon­it­or­ing the child’s sleep at night. It also en­ables me to wash the baby’s nap­pies when it is dark as dur­ing the day I may be over­whelmed with work. Be­fore I re­ceived the WakaWaka, I used elec­tric power, but that was dis­con­nec­ted two months ago due to an ac­cu­mu­lated bill that I hadn’t paid yet. For that peri­od, I de­pended on a torch and some­times candles, but the WakaWaka helped me much more. I greatly re­duced my ex­pendit­ure on pay­ing for elec­tri­city bills be­cause of the WakaWaka. I also don’t cry for power black­out any­more, be­cause I can con­trol it my­self by char­ging the WakaWaka in the sun.”