Light and power to Cote D'Ivoire

The In­ter­na­tion­al Res­cue Com­mit­tee helps people whose lives and live­li­hoods are shattered by con­flict and dis­aster to sur­vive, re­cov­er, and gain con­trol of their fu­ture. Polit­ic­al ten­sions in Ivory Coast once again erup­ted in­to war in late 2010, dis­pla­cing over a mil­lion people with­in the coun­try and across the bor­der in­to Liber­ia.

The IRC dis­trib­utes WakaWa­kas to dis­placed people, so they can have safe and clean light dur­ing dark hours. It also al­lows them to charge their phones so they can stay con­nec­ted with fam­ily and loved once.