Light against Tse-Tse Flies

“Pre­vi­ously we had lots of prob­lems to buy bat­ter­ies for our lights. But when we re­ceived these sol­ar paneled lights it helps us greatly. Now we don’t have the same ex­penses in re­gards to buy­ing bat­ter­ies. The new lights help the chil­dren to study dur­ing the even­ing and night hours. When we have all-night pray­er meet­ings these new lights help us as well. It helps me as the dir­ect­or of the pro­gram to do my re­ports even dur­ing the night. The good light also chases away snakes and the tse-tse flies. The chil­dren are able to see each oth­er and even play games in the even­ings. Thank you so much!”