In September 2013, Wibo Teerlink and Dirk Uitert donated WakaWaka products via Bureau Cambium to people living near the Lake Toba, via the Pulang Kampung III Project of Sandra Niessen. This project aims to return elements of cultural heritage and environmental richness to the Batak people living near the Lake. She went on a simple local market-cum-tourist boat with essentially no electricity. She brought along WakaWaka Lights and Powers for her team, four of them young local people, to provide them with light and enough power to keep their mobile phones running. And to demonstrate the production and use of solar electricity to the people with whom they came in contact with. There was an immediate recognition that sunlight is cheaper than electricity! The WakaWakas proved indispensable. They sunned them carefully on the deck every day and then used them for charging the phones and for light. Wakawaka generated a kind of Eureka reaction! Solar power is one viable and important choice in a region that needs a panoply of changes to make a better future!