Lake Toba

In Septem­ber 2013, Wibo Teer­link and Dirk Uit­ert donated WakaWaka products via Bur­eau Cam­bi­um to people liv­ing near the Lake Toba, via the Pu­lang Kam­pung III Pro­ject of Sandra Niessen. This pro­ject aims to re­turn ele­ments of cul­tur­al her­it­age and en­vir­on­ment­al rich­ness to the Batak people liv­ing near the Lake. She went on a simple loc­al mar­ket-cum-tour­ist boat with es­sen­tially no elec­tri­city. She brought along WakaWaka Lights and Powers for her team, four of them young loc­al people, to provide them with light and enough power to keep their mo­bile phones run­ning. And to demon­strate the pro­duc­tion and use of sol­ar elec­tri­city to the people with whom they came in con­tact with. There was an im­me­di­ate re­cog­ni­tion that sun­light is cheap­er than elec­tri­city! The WakaWa­kas proved in­dis­pens­able. They sunned them care­fully on the deck every day and then used them for char­ging the phones and for light. Wakawaka gen­er­ated a kind of Eureka re­ac­tion! Sol­ar power is one vi­able and im­port­ant choice in a re­gion that needs a panoply of changes to make a bet­ter fu­ture!