Kick Ebola out of Liberia

In Liber­ia people are dy­ing in their homes and in the streets, while hos­pit­als either re­fuse to take pa­tients or have shut down as the nurses and doc­tors have died. The health ser­vice has com­pletely broken down and people are largely left to man­age on their own with little know­ledge and few means. In part­ner­ship with ZOA and its loc­al part­ner MA AN­NEKA, CARD Liber­ia dis­trib­uted WakaWa­kas to vul­ner­able com­munit­ies, vil­lages and towns. In ad­di­tion, WakaWa­kas were donated to par­ents of Ebola vic­tims and in­sti­tu­tions such as board­ing schools, emer­gency clin­ics, health cen­ters and hos­pit­als. These in­sti­tu­tions can­not af­ford elec­tri­city and were forced to use candle and/or ker­osene light­ing. The WakaWa­kas help health work­ers to identi­fy and treat Ebola pa­tients after sun­set and en­able emer­gency re­sponse for treat­ment at health cen­ters.