Kenya Mwamtsefu

The Mwant­sefu Primary school is loc­ated in South-East Kenya. To­geth­er with Sticht­ing Wen­zi [Dutch], one of our first part­ners, we were able to dis­trib­ute the school chil­dren (and their fam­il­ies) 1030 WakaWaka Lights. These Lights were donated to the WakaWaka Found­a­tion by Off-Grid Solu­tions through their WakaWaka Light Kick­starter-ini­ti­tiave in 2012. The Mwant­sefu School is loc­ated in a poor and very re­mote re­gion. The Wen­zi found­a­tion works on im­prov­ing the lives of the Mwant­sefu stu­dents through edu­ca­tion ef­forts by provid­ing school ma­ter­i­als and schol­ar­ships. We are also co­oper­at­ing with Sticht­ing Wen­zi for our Cli­mate Hero Edu­ca­tion Pro­gramme.

In 2013 the school had the best scores of the dis­trict! It is very good to hear this, since the fact that the chil­dren were able to study in the even­ing thanks to their WakaWaka lights prob­ably con­trib­ute a lot to this great res­ults! In the be­gin­ning of 2014 Sticht­ing Wen­zi Re­ceived an­oth­er 30 lights, donated by the WakaWaka Found­a­tion.