Help Fight Ebola

In Si­erra Le­one people are dy­ing in their homes and in the streets, while hos­pit­als either re­fuse to take pa­tients or have shut down as the nurses and doc­tors have died. The health ser­vice has com­pletely broken down and people are largely left to man­age on their own with little know­ledge and few means. Fear and pan­ic is there­fore grow­ing among the pop­u­la­tion as the num­ber of people con­tract­ing Ebola in­creases, par­tic­u­larly in the quar­ant­in­ed homes, vil­lages and cen­ters. The WakaWa­kas are needed by loc­al Ebola health teams, treat­ment clin­ics and isol­a­tion cen­ters that have no ac­ces to elec­tri­city and will also be ad­ded to Ebola pre­ven­tion kits. Your dona­tion will help health teams to treat ebola vic­tims after sun­set and al­lows cit­izens to bet­ter pro­tect them­selves from get­ting in­fec­ted. Dis­tri­bu­tion is fa­cil­it­ated by GIZ in co­oper­a­tion with sev­er­al oth­er or­gan­isa­tions.