Haiyan Response

Our part­ner, the IRC, is mount­ing an emer­gency re­sponse in the Phil­ip­pines. Donated WakaWa­kas will be dis­trib­uted by them to people who have lost their homes and vil­lages. Their ef­forts are also fo­cussed on de­liv­er­ing safe drink­ing wa­ter and med­ic­a­tion. The IRC will en­sure that donated WakaWa­kas get to the sur­viv­ors who are re­start­ing and re­build­ing their lives after the cata­stroph­ic de­struc­tion wrought by Haiy­an, the strongest trop­ic­al cyc­lone to hit land any­where in re­cor­ded his­tory.