GIZ Nepal Distribution

The Deutsche Gesell­schaft für In­ter­na­tionale Zusammen­arbeit (GIZ) to­geth­er with Al­tern­at­ive En­ergy Pro­mo­tion Centre (AE­PC) have dsitrib­uted 4000 lights & powers to po­lice/se­cur­ity per­son­nel in the heav­ily af­fected dis­tricts after the 2015 earth­quake. This has covered all patrol groups in the area. This is an very ef­fect­ive ap­plic­a­tion and po­s­i­tion­ing of WakaWaka devices and will have a very pos­it­ive im­pact on se­cur­ity. There are 14 ‘heav­ily af­fected’ dis­tricts where the WakaWa­kas have been dis­trib­uted.

The re­main­ing 2800 lights and powers have been dis­trib­uted to the shel­ter com­pon­ent of the GIZ re­cov­ery pro­ject of about 2000 shel­ters.