
In Feb­ru­ary 2015, the WakaWa­kas have been dis­trib­uted to health clin­ics in the heart of the Phil­ip­pine dis­aster zone which was dev­ast­ated by the typhoon Haiy­an. The WakaWa­kas were donated to birth centres where they are used dur­ing de­liv­er­ies at nights, for ma­ter­nal and child sur­viv­al and med­ic­al re­lief.
Mid­wife: “Thank YOU. So very very many times I have re­ceived ba­bies in­to the world with my WakaWaka, and su­tured wounds and the list goes on!”
One of the clin­ics is the Bumi Wadah Ma­ter­nity. So far they have made im­press­ive achieve­ments. With­in the 1,5 years after ‘Haiy­an’ hit the Phil­ip­pines, Bumi Wadah Ma­ter­nity guided 924 births: an av­er­age of four per day!
Be­sides help­ing wo­men giv­ing birth, the mid­wives treat around 400 people every week with small com­plaints like head­aches, small wounds, coughs, colds etc. Louis Smolen­aar who vis­ited the clin­ic: “The WakaWaka has be­come an in­dis­pens­able tool in their clin­ic!”