Bolivia Samay Foundation

The Samay Found­a­tion works in the poorest and most isol­ated areas of Bolivia. The fo­cus is on the Bolivi­an high­lands, but they also work in re­mote areas in the low­lands. They have dis­trib­uted sol­ar lights in all areas of Bolivia. One ex­ample is the province of Sacaca, 4.000 meters above sea level and one of the poorest provinces of Bolivia. Only a few crops grow here, such as Quinoa and pota­toes. Al­most all chil­dren are mal­nour­ished due to a one-sided diet and the land ap­pears des­ol­ate due to ex­tens­ive erosion. The WakaWaka Lights re­place Ker­osene lights, which have harm­ful fumes (to in­hale), which course burns and which have the per­man­ent costs of ker­osine. The WakaWaka Light not only im­proves the health of the re­cip­i­ents, but also saves them money.