
Re­mote vil­lages are se­lec­ted by Grid Earth Pro­ject. Once a vil­lage is iden­ti­fied, every house­hold with­in the vil­lage re­ceives a WakaWaka light. Vil­lage lead­ers help identi­fy and pri­or­it­ize the par­tic­u­lar needs of the vil­lage and the loc­al vo­lun­teers help them to or­gan­ize and ex­ecute plans to ful­fill those needs. House­hold sizes vary from 1 to over 15. We of­ten find multi-gen­er­a­tions liv­ing in a single dwell­ing. Ap­prox­im­ately 8,000 people have dir­ec­tly be­nefited from our dis­tri­bu­tion of WakaWaka Lights. Many oth­ers have and will be­come aware of the be­ne­fits of the WakaWaka Light.By provid­ing WakaWaka lights in these areas we are first ad­dress­ing the im­me­di­ate danger that these chil­dren are forced to live in, provid­ing a bet­ter op­por­tun­ity for edu­ca­tion and im­prov­ing their eco­nom­ic situ­ation which will ul­ti­mately end the cycle of en­ergy poverty in which they live.