Project solar lights 2015

In 2014 the found­a­tion Eli­jah Gam­bia ac­quired 20 sol­ar­lights with money which chil­dren of the Baptist Church Zo­eter­meer and the Cath­ol­ic Par­ish de Wijngaard col­lec­ted by do­ing all kind of small jobs. In janu­ary 2015 the lights are dis­trib­uted to fam­ily’s in The Gam­bia from who a child is in the spon­sor pro­gram of our found­a­tion. The schools who are in­volved are loc­ated in Lam­in Vil­lage and in New Jesh­wang, Gam­bia, West Afrika. At the school in New Jesh­wang the work­ing of the light is first ex­plained and after it trans­lated in the tribe-lan­guage of the people. To the fam­ily’s of the King’s Kid Academy in Lam­in Vil­lage the lights are per­son­ally de­livered what res­ul­ted in great hap­pi­ness by the ones who re­ceived it! In Gam­bia it will be dark very early in the even­ing and at that time it’s really dark. But do­ing their home­work is now easy and pos­sible at every time they like!