
It is hard to ima­gine a world without light for many in­di­vidu­als. For 1.3 bil­lion people this is real­ity. In places where the sun of­ten sets at 6 p.m. their abil­ity to study, read and work is lim­ited by at least three hours, where­as we can turn on this re­source with the flip of a switch. As a res­ult, op­por­tun­it­ies for de­vel­op­ment such as study­ing or en­ga­ging in small crafts and trades have been en­abled by provid­ing ade¬quate light. This has changed now that this pro­ject has been en­abled with WakaWaka products. These products provide light for days and changes the life con­di­tions of this gen­er­a­tion liv­ing in rur­al zones, thereby help­ing to elim­in­ate en­ergy poverty in our life­time.
