Empower Initiative

Small wo­men-led en­ter­prises in In­done­sia des­per­ately need WakaWa­kas to grow. 60% of In­done­sian fam­il­ies live off-grid. Lack of ac­cess to good qual­ity light makes it al­most im­possible to work on your en­ter­prise in the even­ing. With a WakaWaka, wo­men will have 3 hours ex­tra to work and grow their busi­ness, while get­ting rid of dan­ger­ous and ex­pens­ive ker­osene lights. In co­op­er­a­tion with loc­al mi­cro-fin­ance in­sti­tu­tions, we have de­veloped a new way to provide these en­tre­pren­eurs with WakaWa­kas. Wo­men will be offered in­teg­rated loans, con­sist­ing of a cash trans­fer and a WakaWaka sol­ar light or char­ger. Your WakaWaka will be donated to a re­volving fund. Wo­men will re­pay their loan in ap­prox­im­ately one year. With your dona­tion we can provide a WakaWaka to a new fam­ily every year and help em­power wo­men all over In­done­sia.