380 low income and poverty impacted families of 3 villages in Bangladesh were benefitted by using the WakaWaka Lights. Last year, employees of the Dutch company Van der Heide gave its employees a WakaWaka as a Christmas present. But not only the employees got a solar powered light, families in Bangladesh also got ‘safe light’ thanks to this campaign. Habitat of Humanity distributed 380 WakaWaka Lights in three villages in Badekapla, one of the most vulnerable areas of Bangladesh. The families could qualify for receiving a WakaWaka by participating in a big clean-up action in their villages and surrounding areas. In addition to the cleaning they received a training in sanitary habits and they learned how to use the WakaWaka solar light.
Habitat for Humanity the Netherlands collaborated with Sungevity and WakaWaka on their mission to provide as many Habitat families as possible with light and electricity. A house with safe light and electricity improves health, enables children to study by night and helps families to become self-reliant. In 2014, 450 families in Haiti received a WakaWak Light and with the help of the Christmas campaign 380 Lights have been sent to Bangladesh. Furthermore, 1000 solar lights have been sent to Malawi this year and the first shipment to Zambia is being prepared. This gives children who lived in dark and humid houses the opportunity to build a better life.