Global Exploration Indonesia 2014

The vil­lage Tem­bak is a small vil­lage at Borneo. It used to be in the middle of the rain­forest but their area loses forest by the tree-cut­ting for the pal­moi lplant­a­tions. The people in the vil­lage can sur­vive be­cause of the rain­forest. In the rain­forest they made an aque­duct from bam­boo, what lead wa­ter in the jungle to a lower point. Over there the wa­ter goes trough a wa­ter wheel so it pro­duces en­ergy. Un­for­tu­nately the sys­tem has small de­fects. So is there not enough elec­tri­city in a dry peri­od and when one house uses to much, there not enough en­ergy left for oth­ers. To sup­port this pro­ject we have left five wakawaka powers in this vil­lage. So the kids can do their home­work at night even when their is no elec­tri­city avail­able form the wa­ter-powered-gen­er­at­or.